KEDRON – Weatherboard
- Older weatherboard houses always require a lot of preparation work.
- All surfaces were washed down with Sugar Soap and any mould was treated with mould killer and washed off.
- All weatherboards were sanded, all gaps under boards filled and all holes filled and sanded smooth.
- With the windows, all loose paint was removed, and windows were re-puttied where required as old putty around glass had broken away.
- Dulux Aquanamel was used on the windows and Dulux Weathershield was used on the gutters, fascias, soffits, and walls.

SANDGATE – New Build
- This house was a new build, scaffold was put up around the whole house for access.
- All Hardiplank weatherboards were primed with Dulux Precision Maximum Adhesion and then given 2 topcoats of Dulux Weathershield.
- All decking was washed down with Intergrain Ultraprep and Reviva to remove all tannins and then given 2 coats of Intergrain Ultradeck.
- Interior surfaces were all dusted down to remove all dust.
- All windows were taped up and all walls ceilings and frames were given 1 coat of Dulux Professional Acrylic Sealer.
- All ceilings were then given 2 coats of Dulux Ceiling Flat, walls had 2 coats of Dulux Wash’n’Wear and frames and doors had 2 coats of Dulux Aquanamel.

CLEVELAND – Render Refresh & Repainted
- This was a tired rendered home on the canals. A lot of rust was on all metal surfaces due to being so close to the water. These surfaces need to be sanded back, rust treated and primed.
- There was also some damage from rising damp. This was repaired and parts of the wall were rendered again. These all needed to be sealed and then all rendered walls were given 2 coats of Dulux Acratex Acrashield.
- The whole interior was repainted. The original colour was looking very tired.
- The new colour scheme and paintwork really made the place look brand new again. There was a lot of holes in the walls and ceilings which needed repairing.
- The living and stairwell areas had a high ceiling requiring access using a scaffold.

NORTH LAKES – Render Repaint
- This home had the full exterior repainted. All gaps and cracks filled, all loose paint removed and all rust treated and primed.
- Deck sanded and undercoated before applying two coats of Cabott’s deck and exterior paint.
- All render walls brushed down and given two coats of Dulux Weathershield.

CHERMSIDE – Unit Complex
- This body corporate complex had a lot of worn and faded paint work, and several areas with render broken off.
- We repaired all the render, ensured that all cracks, holes and gaps were filled.
- Gutters and fascias were washed down only.
- All soffits, weatherboards and rendered walls and front fence were washed down repaired and given 2 coats of Dulux Weathershield.
- All garage doors were washed down, undercoated and given 2 topcoats of Dulux Weathershield.
- All doors were sanded and undercoated before applying 2 coats of Dulux Aquanamel.

SANDGATE – Repaint
- This owner planned to sell her home, making the decision to repainted to make it look fresh again. Everything was washed down with Selly’s Sugar Soap, sanded, gaped, and given 2 coats of Dulux Weathershield.
- Front and back deck was aged and deteriorated so it all needed to be washed back with Intergrain Reviva and given 2 coats of Intergrain Ultradeck.

REDCLIFFE – Citipointe Church
- This job required a scissor lift to reach the ceilings and walls. Ceilings needed to be undercoated to allow paint adhesion.
- Two coats of Dulux Professional Ceiling Flat in black were applied to entire ceiling by spray.
- Plasterboard walls were all dusted down and undercoated with Dulux Professional Acrylic Sealer before given two topcoats of Dulux Wash’N’Wear.